How Protected Is Your Dedicated Server Solutions For A Company?

How secure is your dedicated uk server solution? This depends on a number of factors. It depends on what you are prepared to spend. However it also depends on how vigilant you are and how you make sure that the people using the dedicated servers are aware of how to use them correctly.

People often choose these instead of shared server hosting because they believe they are more protected. This is true to an extent as with shared hosting there is the threat that if one website is targeted by hackers then others on the server are potentially vulnerable. Therefore they may choose the dedicated option for more protection.

The first step occurs once you have got everything set up. You will be given the first set of passwords. At this point you should immediately change the password again. When changing the password avoid using words that people would associate with you or could potentially guess.

In fact it is best to avoid using recognizable words altogether. You should use a combination of letters and numbers with no association with you or the business. If possible you should also add special characters. A mixture of lower and upper case letters is also advisable as this is more difficult to guess. It cannot be emphasized enough that you must never reveal the password to anyone and they should be changed as often as possible.

Passwords are not the only type of security to stop people getting into the system. It is also vital to have the latest virus protection, firewall and so forth. These should be updated as often as possible. With a lot of servers this process is often automatic. When choosing a host ask them whether the system is automatic and if not how often they would recommend updating.

It is also important to be aware that passwords are not the only consideration. File transfer is also something to be wary of, especially when dealing with sensitive information. You should only use file transfer systems that encrypt the data in order to keep it protected. Any important information should be backed up as often as possible. It is recommended you do this at least once a month, more often if this is practically possible.

The fact is you can never be 100 per cent protected from hacking. While you can make it as difficult as possible for hackers things can still happen. For example someone can press the wrong button or there may be a sudden power cut. This is why backups are important, ideally both remote and on site. Data backups should be done on a regular basis, at the very least monthly!

How secure is your dedicated server solution? If you are prepared to invest a bit more you may be able to find companies that can offer an expert to oversee it and ensure that your dedicated servers are protected as much as possible. With the right attitude and resources you can make sure your company is well protected. Look online for company directories and customer feedback so you can compare the different options available to you and decide what is most appropriate for you.

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