Get Your Website Online

The process of putting your website on the internet is completed by the asp web hosting company you sign up with and will involve placing your website on a web server which is then linked to the internet. The type of web server your site is hosted on is determined by the requirements of your website. The most typical web hosting plans are Shared web hosting and Dedicated Server asp hosting.

Web hosting services shared

If you have a simple website which requires a regular amount of web space and bandwidth, then it is likely that your hosting company recommend you choose a shared web hosting plan.

With this plan your website will be placed on one of the web hosting company’s shared web servers. Here your website will reside alongside a number of other similar sized websites where it will share all the server’s resources and features.

Each hosting company differs in the hosting features they offer with their shared hosting plans. With many companies you will receive as standard:

o A specified amount of web space depending on your chosen package

o Easy to use web site control panel

o Online account management facility

o Full 24/7 ftp access to upload your web files

o Free domain transfer

o Unlimited domain aliases

o Webmail

o Send and receive emails using Microsoft Outlook or other email programs

Dedicated Server Web Hosting

If your website has grown to a size which cannot be accommodated on a shared server or if you require the flexibility to add software or other features to your site, then your best cheap web hosting may recommend that you purchase a dedicated server.

With a dedicated server, you own the rights to the whole server; thus giving you complete control over what is installed and run on your server. Space and bandwidth usage will also no longer be a problem as there will only be your site (or sites) using the servers resources.

With a dedicated server you might also need peace of mind that your site(s) won’t be at the mercy of other websites and their potentially corrupt code – which could cause downtime and other problems to your site.

When choosing a dedicated server you can opt to have your server managed or unmanaged by the web hosting company. With a managed server, you may receive services such as site administration, certain software installation, maintenance and upgrades. The major plus of having your dedicated server managed is that you have an expert on hand should your server suffer any failure – guaranteeing your site a high uptime percentage. Although significantly cheaper, unmanaged server hosting is only really recommended for those with a high degree of technical knowledge in server administration and management.

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