Find Out The Simple (But Completely Avoidable) Search Engine Optimization Decision That Can Condemn Your Website From The Very Start

It never ceases to astonish me the amount of companies who pay plenty of money to get a web site constructed and then sit back and wait for the business, sales leads, and profit from sales to start flowing in automatically – and are then shocked and surprised when they don’t. Frequently they will go back to the web designer and take them to task over the problem.

However, while the business owner is berating the poor web designer they have forgotten one key thing…

The web site designer is just that. A web site designer. And he has done the task he was asked to do and built a nice looking web site for the customer. It’s very probable that what he is NOT is an SEO professional! But that probably doesn’t matter as it is almost guaranteed that it never crossed the business owners mind to ask if SEO was included in the cost, or if it was included if it covered only on-page SEO, or off-page SEO as well.

Sometimes the problem is ‘unconscious incompetence’ on the part of the business owner. That is not meant to be insulting. It is simply a technical term for when you simply can’t ask pertinent questions about something, not because you can’t think of a good question, but because you don’t even know that thing exists or never had any experience of it. In other words, you can’t ask questions about search engine optimization if you’ve never even heard of it!

Ask yourself though, is a website designer really the most suitable person to be carrying out your search engine optimization for you? Okay, it is very convenient if on-page SEO is taken into account and carried out as the website is getting constructed, but using someone who simply dabbles in SEO, or THINKS they know SEO is not a good plan!


Well, the search engines are constantly changing the algorithms that they use to determine who gets ranked where. Keeping up with these changes and what works and doesn’t work NOW all takes a substantial amount of time. It’s no good knowing the things worked a year or two ago, because they may not produce good results now, and in fact using these ‘old’ ‘tricks’ can actually do more harm than good.

Keyword stuffing, tiny text, and hidden (or nearly hidden) text are just some of the examples of SEO tricks that used to work and could frequently get you high placement, but today would probably result in getting your page or site banned or heavily penalised.

For a website to rank well in the search engines you NEED to have on-page SEO, and recurring off-page SEO work carried out on the site. There are simply far too many competitors out there for your web site to rank well otherwise. And bear in mind that even if you aren’t taking SEO seriously you can be sure that your competitors are! Google doesn’t play favourites. Your competitors rank higher than you because they have paid an SEO expert to make sure that all the elements are in place that Google needs to see in a top ranking and highly relevant web page.

Your web business is far too important to ignore SEO, or worse, to leave it to a well meaning web designer. You HAVE to do search engine optimization PROPERLY, and for that you need an SEO expert.

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