Creating A Website Is Easy

When you make the decision to create a web site, one of the things you will have to consider is how your site will be hosted. Generally, you will want to work with a an hosting company, which is by far the best option. Occasionally, people make the decision to host their own website. In some instances, this can be a good decision. However, there is much to consider before deciding to be your own web host.

Think about the following cautions. If you still feel that you want to host your own site after reading this, then it may be the right decision for you. You will need to have a quality high-speed Internet connection. You cannot host your own website on dial-up, and a connection that constantly goes down will not be ideal. Your Internet connection will have to be dependable.

Remember that when you choose to host your own site, your web site will go down anytime your Internet connection goes down. Therefore, you will need to make sure that you have quality battery backups as well. If the power goes out, you do not want your site to go down. You will need a computer that will be the server for your website. Ideally, the computer will not be used for anything else. This system needs to be dedicated solely to your site. The size of the server computer will depend on how much storage space you need for your site.

Remember to always buy a server computer that includes much more storage space than you actually need. This way, you will have room to expand in the future. You will need to contact your Internet service provider and explain that you will be hosting your site so that they will not question or shut down your connection because of the large amount of data moving across the connection.

In addition, the ISP will need to provide you with dedicated static IP addresses for your server and equipment. It is vital that you have authorized IP addresses. You will need to do the legwork to find and register your own domain name. You will also have to either design your site or hire someone to design it. You will most likely need to hire someone to manage your server and your site.

As you can see, aplus hosting your own website can be costly and time consuming. For large businesses, it may be a good decision. However, for small businesses and personal sites, you will most likely be best suited by using a web hosting company.

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