Basic SEO : For Newcomers To Internet Marketing

Internet marketing can be broken down in to two main categories, sponsored links and search engine optimization. Sponsored links involve you paying a third party a flat rate to link to your website, or paying a certain amount of money to them only when someone actually clicks on the link (which is referred to as pay-per-click). The main benefit of this method is that you can buy the exposure you want immediately. The downside is that it can quickly become expensive, and once you stop paying, you stop getting visitors to your website.

Search engine optimization (or just SEO) is the method of getting ranked in the search engines on the basis of the quality and popularity of your website alone. SEO should be your long term objective because, after your initial investment, most search positions can be retained at relatively little cost. SEO has several different elements, but the first step is always to establish what exact search terms, also known as keywords or keyphrases, your potential customers are using when searching for whatever it is that you are offering. You want to find out which specific keywords will bring the most visitors to your website, for example; nearly 3 times as many people search for kitchen door handles each month as internal door handles, even though they are basically the exact same item.

On-site optimization is the next SEO consideration. This process involves altering page names, meta tags, headings and the anchor text used for internal links to include your chosen keywords. This is necessary so that the search engine robots (known as spiders) can determine what your website is about. Content is also rewritten to incorporate the keywords that you want to rank highly in the search engines for, and often you will see individual pages optimized to target one specific keyword or phrase.

Still, the rewritten content must also make perfect sense to humans (writing it solely for the search engine spiders is a big mistake). Not only will it convince potential customers to make their purchase, but first class content is often shared among the web via blog and article sites, and each time your content is referred to you will likely get a link pointing to your website. Each back link from another website is regarded by the search engines as being an indication that your website is a quality one, and the more links you get, the higher you will rank for your chosen keywords.

Those are the basic principles, but SEO is an ever changing environment. Google is continually refining a number of tools to assist you in diagnosing any potential issues with your site, such as Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools, and with the emergence of new Internet surfing habits, such as the prevalence of social media sites and user generated media content, the field of SEO will never be one in which you can relax and think that you have the job done.

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