8 Ways to Improve User Experience on Your Website

By Angel T

A Website is meant to accomplish any tasks and find any information that may be useful to you. The Websites that have a slow speed or a confusing interface re not good to use. Internet users today will not tolerate such a website. Improving your website is the key to improving the user experience and maintaining your reputation. Following are some ideas that may help you:

1 Improve the Speed: The elaborate Javascript and fancy widgets can improve the interface of your website, but can the speed is most important as part of the customer experience. You need to have a website that can help the user’s interact with your Company. You have to evaluate the ways in which you can improve the speed of your website.

2 The Logo Must Click: The logo should be like a guiding lighthouse. The user can come back to the logo page when he wants to. If not, they will keep searching the home page, or use the back button, in some cases, even leave the site and not use it. Make a clear and obvious link back to the home, one that people can depend on.

3 The site should be Searchable: The Website should have a search bar so that users can find what they want. Try some other ways like adding some categories; use a tag cloud that can help the user to a destination from your blog. This will also help you; you can find what people are searching in your website.

4 Simplify the pages: The Website may have started very clean and neat, but with the animations, pictures and banner ads added, it may have become cluttered. Site design is also a sign of the website’s credibility. It must be time that you remove the redundant controls, extra pictures and any features that are not liked in the site. You can even use a tool to get rid of these extras.

5 Help the Visitors: Contextual help and feedback messages can also help improve the user experience. It is good to add messages wherever necessary so that there are no confusions.

6 The Metrics: The metrics can make a lot of difference; they can guide you to make improvements. There will be some pages that will have more traffic and some that are not visited at all. Studying the metrics can really help you and you can find the customer behavior also.

7 Keep Testing: You must test across many devices and browsers. The website may work on a particular platform, but it is important to keep testing. There is a usability test that can be performed to see how usable your website is. This will guide in the correct direction.

8 Feedback is important: The users can catch bugs and find out errors that you can’t figure out. You can check the previous emails and see if there are any visible patterns. See if people are asking for some features. You can take a survey to find any such information. The surveys can speak volumes about your website and give details that you may miss otherwise. You can pick up any services such as QuestionPro and SurveyMonkey, they are free. The users may end up giving some useful information from their experiences. You can explore lists and improve the usability. Testing and finding out about the experiences of the users can really help you. It is important to be open to feedback and improvement. Visitors should be happy with your website. If this is fine, then the minor aspects don’t matter that much.

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