Without Multiple Domain Hosting, Your Web Host Is Making You A Fool!
If your web host only allows you to host 1 domain name with 1 hosting account, please read on to learn why you have been taken advantage by your web host!
Also, if you own multiple websites and you are hosting each of them with a different hosting account, you are paying too much! You can actually host all your websites into one single hosting account and save a lot of money. This type of hosting account is called “multiple domain hosting” account, which just get popular recently.
The web hosting industries are now switching to the next important trend. Many web hosts have started to offer multiple domain hosting account. What that means is that you can host multiple websites under 1 hosting account! You don’t need to pay for a full account if you want to host more websites.
This is a very important trend because nowadays, most web hosts are offering incredible amount of disk space and bandwidth with their hosting account. Unfortunately, the client is only allowed to host one website with each giant hosting account. And the reality is that most clients don’t even use up to 10% of their disk space and bandwidth!
If you already have a hosting account, think about it, how much percentage of the disk space and bandwidth are you utilizing now?
I strongly believe that these web hosts are throwing in the big offer as a marketing strategy to attract the consumers by exploiting consumers ‘the more the better’ mindset. Consumers don’t realize that the ‘large space’ and ‘large bandwidth’ is practically useless, as they will probably never use most of the ‘advertised’ resources. They are simply being lured into the marketing gimmicks.
However, the story is rewritten when many web hosts begin to offer multiple domain hosting account. They allow you to host a few domain names under the same hosting account without the need to pay for more. These add-on domains that are hosted under the same hosting account actually shared the same disk space and bandwidth of the main hosting account. This way, you can fully utilize your allocated resources and receive full value of your invested money.
I don’t need to be an oracle to predict that sooner or later, most other web hosts, including those big web hosting companies will have to follow the trend by offering multiple domain hosting accounts. It’s the future of web hosting as domain names are very cheap nowadays and many webmasters will usually want to have more than one website.
When the traditional ‘1 domain per account’ web hosts are not getting the same amount of sales they are getting today, they will have to consider offering multiple domain hosting accounts. If they don’t keep up with the trend, they will be eliminated.
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