Too Many Hosting Companies Seem Similar So Which Is The Best?
Now your planning to build your niche web site or would like to try a different web hosting provider. No matter which one you fall under it is a big decision trying to figure out the best hosting service. Most web hosting businesses seem to offer the same services so it breaks down to just picking one, Yes? Well, it is not that easy. They may seem the same but they can be as drastic as black and white.
Typical hosting servies give you too much server space than you will ever need. It may sound good to have a Terabyte of space to build a website with but come on. There is no way you could ever build a site that big. That is 1000 gigabytes. Companies offer this so they can charge you a lot more for hosting. Don’t fall for this. You can find a much better bargain for hosting service without paying for what you will never use.
Sure, it is great to have a lot of space but why have it if you can not use multiple domain names. At least then you can build tons of websites without having to pay for additional hosting. Just spend about $10 or so for each domain name and you can build a bunch of mini sites built around different niches. Optimized just right and those sites can get there own traffic without you going broke on advertising. So make sure to see if they allow you to have more than one domain name per hosting account.
Bandwidth is something you want a lot of. If you do not have enough then you could end up with a website that gets lots of visitors only to have it go offline before the month is over. Unlimited is always best but if that is out of your price range then having around 100 gigabites or less will be enough for average web page visits. Most companys offer a variety of deals so think about how popular your website will be. If you expect your site to bang out 100 visitors a day then you can get away with the cheapest package. If you think you site has the potential to pull in 1000s per day then opt to the next level. You can always adjust your package later after you get a feel about traffic.
Quality is also a factor when looking for a hosting provider. When you use your server to upload a file you want it to be live instantly. Try to avoid having a hosting company to be down consistently. This can cost you future customers as they click your link and your site is not responding like the use of PHP and MYSQL Data Base, emails, site builders and more. Do not allow yourself to get short changed on features.
If price is your problem then try not to use a service that has been around sense the web was created. Expect there cost to be higher than most. Newer hosting services came in with a lower price to beat the competition. Sinse the older companies base there profits on there higher prices they can not afford to lower the cost. They risk cutting there profits. They rely on reputation not price to keep them afloat. Finding a newer hosting company will pretty much guarantee a better price.
Finally customer service. You want a web hosting service that has 24/7 help. You always want someone to assist you when you need it not when it is convenient for them.
well, I hope this information makes it easier for you to find the right hosting provider. This can be the difference in success or failure.
Need more help finding the right web host? Then check out a review here at low cost web hosting. For those who would like to use PHP on your website but not sure how to use it properly then visit: php tutorials.