Pros And Cons Of Free Web Hosting
If you’re a beginner in putting up a new website, you may have visited a hundreds of paid and free web hosting providers and you may still be confused where to “host” your web site. For beginners, the idea of putting up a web site free of charge may be a very attractive deal.
An advantage of free web hosting, is its name suggests, is that customers are able to put up a website without spending a cent. Because of this, they can master FTP usage, uploading various files, managing an online file manager and other features of web hosting. In addition, you can instantly use your free web hosting after you have registered with the hosting provider.
Unfortunately, free web hosting has several advantages compared to other paid web hosting.
Watch out for the Major Drawbacks of Free Web Hosting
When weighing the pros and cons of free web hosting, you should first disregard the fact that you will not be paying a cent when using free web hosting. Of course, who wouldn’t want to have their own website without spending money, right? However, you have to consider the major drawbacks of free web hosting, especially if you are planning to use your website for business transactions.
The largest issue with free web hosting is advertisement. Since these hosting providers offer their services free of charge, their source of income would be through advertisements. Because of this, each website under that registers with them contain different banner ads. In fact, other free web hosting providers oblige their customers to display unbelievably large banners.
Another drawback of free web hosting is the size of bandwidth and their server’s level of reliability. Most free web hosting provides their clients with a maximum of 2GB of bandwidth monthly. Meaning, their server is filled with thousands of websites, which would result in your website’s slow operation. When this happens, you should expect your website to have greater down times than up times.
If you wish to have your own dot com, using a free web hosting is not for you. Another disadvantage of these kinds of hosting services is the unavailability of your own domain name. Most free web hosting providers will give you a directory or sub-domain of their URL. Meaning, you can never have your preferred domain name, unless you switch to a paid hosting service.
The last drawback of free web hosting is the limited features available and unavailability of technical support.
Although free web hosting can be a great start for beginners to master their web designing skills, these hosting services are not for professionals, businesspersons and advanced web-savvy people.
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