Mysql And Asp Hosting Is A Must
Due to the simplicity and effectiveness of PHP and the functionalities of MySQL, PHP-MySQL hosting solution becomes the favorite choice for many website developers. However, many PHP programmers, mostly the inexperienced website developers may face different kinds of problem because they are lack of understanding about some tips and tricks to improve their asp webhosting performance. Going through the contents of this article will help you learn the top five most useful tips for your website development.
Use the quotes effectively
To output a string, you can use double quotes inside echo to accomplish it.String variables should be quoted with single quotes, while there should not be any quotes around numeric data.
Turn on PHP error reporting
In case that you may run into some PHP error, it is advised to turn on PHP error reporting so that you can get some clue from it. To display error messages caused by your PHP script, you need to configure your php.ini file. You can include the following line of code:
error_reporting = E_ALL
Pay attention to file extensions
There are basically three extensions available for PHP files:
Many new programmers take this lightly and face problem in the future. You need to keep in mind that you should use any type of these three extensions for your PHP file, that is.php or.php3 or.phtml extension.
Locate your PHP files correctly
After you have successfully installed the PHP on your server, you will find out that there is a file named htdocs in your installation directory. It is just this htdocs file that you should locate your php files.
Start and end the PHP script rightly
The standard starting and ending tags in PHP coding are tag. Even though some servers might also support shorter hand tags ( for ending tag). But it is not a good practice to use the informal one tag set. You are highly recommended to use the standard tag set. for starting and ending.
Commenting tip for PHP script
It is very common that sometime you may need to include comments within your code for better understanding. There is a bit differences if your comment has simply a single line or multiple lines. For a single line comment, you only need to add ” // ” before your comment. For multiple lines comment, you will need to put your comment explanation between ” /* ” and ” */ “.
Finally, there is an array of web hosting options in the web hosting industry and PHP-MYSQL solution has won an accolade for its effectiveness. Here I would say that hostease is a top ranked PHP-asp website hosting provider and it offers extremely fast and reliable PHP web hosting service at very affordable price.
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