Free Web Hosting Explained
If you are looking for excellent information about free web hosting, then you have come to the right place. You should be aware that there are few limitations in each free web hosting that is offered to you.
One of the most popular free hosts in this Internet world is Yahoo Geocities. You should be conscious about these free web hosting providers, as they will give you interfaces with HTML file button to upload your files. Some of the web hosting companies won’t provide you with features for transferring your files to the site using FTP program as they are offering their service at free of cost. This is the main limitation, which affects a lot of webmasters who look for free web hosting.
In general, if you’re using a FTP program, you can simply copy the files and paste it into your web space. In other words, just like that you copy the documents from one folder to another folder in your system. Since file transferring through FTP is denied, the uploading time of each and every file into your dream website may be time consuming.
With some simple setup in the FTP program initially, you can transfer files in few seconds to your web space. The free web space provided by web hosting sites does not support FTP. Usually they will charge nominal fees for including such features in your free web hosting plan.
In addition to this, in the URL of your website, you might need to include these free web hosting providers name. For example if your hosting site belongs to Yahoo Geocities, the free space URL would be something like []. You cannot own your own domain name as “” with these hosting companies.
The main handicap with the free web hosting is that these providers do not offer you an email address.
You ought to pay for the database support with these companies, if you are trying to host a web application that accesses a MySQL database. They won’t provide you free database space.
Benefits of Free web hosting providers
Most of the free web hosting companies give you online tools for building your own web pages. These providers may provide free website templates too. You can use their user-friendly interface and other free web site building tools to construct your dream website at free of cost.
You can seek the help of popular search engines to search for a free web hosting provider for a non-profit organization, or business use, or personal use. If you’re very particular about features like tools for creating websites, excess space required, ads in web pages, FTP upload, you can use some of the free hosting websites. Some of the free web hosting provider list can be obtained from web hosting directories with list of links that lead to the free hosts.
Before starting a new business venture or choosing a niche, you can take up these free web hosting service to experiment yourself how potent you are in the SEO technique. While choosing these free web hosting services, browse with vigor to get maximum benefits such as FTP upload, free templates, ad display with percentage of income, scripting support, etc.
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