Free Web Hosting And Cheap Web Domain Hosting
Which is better, Free Web Hosting or Cheap Web Domain Hosting?
The great thing about free web hosting is that it is FREE? The downside to free web hosting is that because it is free the people that run and maintain you web space for you are not really held accountable for things like server down time. If your trying to make money with your web site then this not a problem you want. In addition, what if something happens to the free web host. Say your free web host crashes and all your web page files are lost?
Again something free web hosting company is not really going to be held accountable for because your not paying. You should realize that the search engines like Google and Yahoo will not give your web site hosted by a free web host a single thought regarding placing your web site in its search results. That is because when a search engine robot searches a website it starts with the root, ie, and then spiders through the pages that “spider out” via the links on the home page. You website address with a free web site host will merely be a subdomain, ie,
The final consideration regarding free web hosting is they always limit both your disk space (total size of all the files they host for you that make up your web site) as well as bandwidth (the number of visitors allowed to your website per month. If your only reason for wanting a website is to have your own personal page and you just want your own slice of the internet real estate pie then none of this matters. Nowadays there are tons of very cheap web domain hosting companies out there that are less than $4 per month. In fact, take a look at this articles resource box below for the web address of website that lists tons of free hosting sites as well as lots that are under $4 per month.
There are even some on the website listed below that have both free AND cheap web domain hosting. That way if your not sure and you want to start free upgrading to a premium account for a couple of dollars per month will be a simple matter of changing your hosting plan and instantly you get all the premium perks such as more bandwidth and disk space as well as a ton of cool software apps to really make your web site pop and come alive.
In addition, most of the free web hosting companies and cheap web domain hosting companies listed below give your free credits for advertising on Google and Yahoo as well. If you start with a free web hosting company that does not have it’s own premium web hosting as well your going to have to face the potential nightmare of transferring all your web site files to your new web address. If you have any questions you can also subscribe as a member to the website listed in the resource box below and you then will receive all kinds of tips and tricks to help your experience as a webmaster easier, funner, and more profitable. You also have the opportunity to email the website administrator at any time you wish with questions you may have about web hosting.
Discover how to go about choosing a Top Web Hosting Providers, to get information about Host Gator Web Hosting Review you must read Web Hosting Reviews And Ratings here.