Discover The Real Cost Of Free Web Hosting
It seems incredible that even though the cost of web hosting has fallen to a very affordable level, some people still try to have their website hosted on a free web hosting service.
With free web hosting you often get what you pay for, so the real cost of using a free service can be very expensive in the long run.
Free web hosting services have the potential to restrict the numbers of people who find your website and then damage your reputation with those few visitors that do view your website.
This article explores the potential problems of not using a reliable ‘paid for’ web hosting service.
Search engines may regard websites that are hosted on free web hosting services as being less important than other websites, so your website would not be listed in the first few pages of the search results. This means you end up with far less traffic coming to your website from the search engines; wasting this valuable free source of website visitors. The lower number of visitors is just the start of your problems.
Some free web hosting providers do not enable you to have your own domain name like and the resulting long domain name, usually combining your company name and the free web host’s name, looks very unprofessional and may frighten away potential customers. Why would anyone do business with an organisation that appears too poor to setup a professional website with a proper domain name?
Free web hosting companies have to make money somehow and as the website owner is not paying anything, the hosting company often resorts to displaying adverts as the way to generate income. This means that the advertiser is the important party to please as far as the hosting company is concerned. You may find intrusive adverts on the ‘Log In’ page and much worse than that; some ‘Pay Per Click’ adverts may be displayed on your website. These keyword driven adverts may be from your competitors and you find your website traffic is distracted away from your site.
Good hosting services spend large amounts of money to ensure they are using reliable equipment that will enable the hosted websites to be connected to the internet almost all of the time. Free web hosts are generally less focused on reliability and this can mean that your website visitors may find that your website is not working when they try and view it, or it works very slowly. If your website is not working when the search engines try and read your website, then you could find that you are removed from the search engine listings.
Most web hosting companies have reduced the price of their hosting and increased the features of their services over recent years. Free web hosting providers often offer less features to their users and when you have problems, you really find out how expensive free web hosting can be, as your support can be negligible or take days to respond to your problem. Free web hosts regularly come and go, as it is tough to make good profits and provide good hosting from the free hosting business model.
As you can probably tell by now even these are just some of the reasons that experienced website owners will happily pay for the huge benefits of professional web hosting from a reliable company. When you are setting up a website, it is essential to keep your visitors and the search engines happy and this needs to be planned from the start. Many website owners have regretted their decision when they have lost access to their websites when free web hosts have closed down suddenly. Choose your web hosting provider very carefully and be willing to pay a modest amount each month so your valuable website is reliably and professionally accessible on the internet.
Discover how to go about choosing a Top Web Hosting Providers, to get information about Host Gator Web Hosting Review you must read Web Hosting Reviews And Ratings here.