Article On Web Hosting Tips
1. For choosing the one which is right for your business you need to understand the difference between shared, co-located, unmanaged dedicated servers and managed dedicated hostings.
Because of the variety of services and hosting categories developed in the market, it is become extremely important to know the difference between the types of hosting and hosting services offered.
When you are sharing one server with a number of other clients of that company it is called as Shared hosting also known as virtual hosting. The management of the server is completely done by the host even though you maintain your site and your account. And thus the cost of these hostings are less as many clients are paying for use of the server. However, their are some side effect of using such servers such as other companies using the shared servers get the resources of that server which can hammer the performance of our websites if one of the other clients has heavy traffic on the server. Other disadvantage of shared hosting is that you will not be able to install special software programs other than supported by the servers on these types of machines, as the host needs to maintain a stable environment for all of his clients using the same server.
Dell and HP are example of Co-located hosting. When you buy a server from a hardware vendor, as mentioned above, and then supply this server to the host, it is called as Co-located hosting. The host plugs your server into its network and its repitative power systems. The host is only manages and keeps an eye on its network is available, and you (who buys the server) are responsible for all support and maintenance of your server. A good hosting company offers management contracts to their co-location clients to help their clients to outsource much of the support to them and turn the arrangement similar to managed dedicated hosting. The only disadvantage of these hosting is that most co-location hosts do not offer this service.
Unmanage dedicated hosting and co-location hostings are almost similar. The only difference is that in unmanage dedicated hosting you hire a server from a host and not purchase it. However before choosing such web hosting plans you must be sure of the services they provide as if they will provide security patches to your server or not. Unmanage dedicated hosting is good for gaming servers (like Doom or Counterstrike servers) or hobbyist servers, but not so promising for businesses as it may not provide responsive, expert-level service.
When you hire a server from a host providing a robust level of support and maintainance on the server which is quality guaranteed, it surely is said to be Managed dedicated hosting. When you select managed dedicated hosting for your business you get services like server up-time monitoring, a hardware warranty, security patch updates and more. However you must mention specifically about these services offered by the hosting company you hire so that you may not be led in disguise selecting managed dedicated hosting services.
2. You must confirm with your Host’s Network if the hosting service offered has blackholed IPs.
It has been seen very often that hosts dont care much about who is actually hosting on their networks, as long as the clients pay their bill.As a result of which many hosters unknowingly allow porn sites, spammers and servers that create security issues on their network. For sake of gaining large amount of income the hosting companies allow such websites on their server which gives a negative impact on your customers in general when they go through such sites through your website or when your network gets blackholed for spamming. And if your network gets blackholed other networks will refuse e-mail originated from your IP as its blacklisted.
So its mandatory to check with any hosts you are considering to see if their networks are blackholed or not.
3. Lets not compare size with stability (its not necessary, a bigger company means more stable)
Its not necessary that if the web hosting company you selected is a big company it will be more stable and secure. There can be consequences like bankruptcy, company sold out or anything else. Hence before selecting a proper web hosting company you must get answers to the below key questions:
Is the hosing company old enough in this business?
Whether the ownership of this company had been the same in the past?
Whether they are profitable and cash flow positive hosting companies from operation-generated revenuepoint of view?
4. Price should not be your only priority while selecting a web hosting company.
As we say that YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Same is applied for web hosting services. You take a risk of unknowingly selecting a hosting company which would only provide you with a little connection to the Internet in terms of support when you priortize only price while selecting a web hosting service.
5. A Good Web hosting company provides you with redundant data centres.
You must make sure that the web hosting company selected has its own data centers which is quite responsive and very repititive in its work. When dealing with smaller vendors you must confirm that the data center services offered by them are fully redundant in terms of power and connectivity and get proper answers to the questions stated below:
The hosting companies have how many lines coming into the facility?
Do the connections come up with the average utilisation? Maximum capacity running servers usually are slow.
Is the power supply redundant to the servers?
If electricity is cut down do they control their servers with generators or UPS on-site?
Are the network area of the servers fully secured? What type of security measures do they provide?
6. The Host providing web hosting service should be flexible.
It is extremely necessary that the hoster understands that providing quality servers to their clients’ businesses are very important. You must deal with a hoster who has a enough experience to support a wide variety of applications, and one who can solve your problems and provide effective solutions throug his expertise. On the head the host and his staff with whom you shall deal in future has enough technical knowlegde relating to support administrator so that you may not be left frustrated talking to them while solving your server related issues.
7. The Testimonials are the best way toknow about the kind of service you will get.
Ask from your prospective host to provide you with success stories of clients who have taken similar services as yours. As testimonials and references will help you a lot to know about the working experience with the web hosting company you selected.
Creative Web Solutions is web hosting company that specializes in shared web hosting and managed dedicated hosting for businesses nationwide in the online retailing, web development, e-learning, financial services and online marketing industries, as well as for governments, non-profits and civic institutions. Contact us For an enquiry.
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