Are All Web Hosts Created Equally?
If you’re looking for a web host and the sheer number of them is intimidating you, you may be wondering, “Are all web hosts created equally?” The answer is a resounding no. Different web hosts use different platforms and offer different levels of service. The choice should be made with a checklist of your business needs in mind.
The first thing you need to look for when choosing a web host is limitations. Some web hosts appear to have really low prices but charge you extra for more pages or if you have heavy traffic. A $3.95 a month hosting service is not a bargain if you’re going to get hit with extra fees every time you add a page or get a little extra traffic. Examine the fees carefully and compare web hosts based on their actual cost, not on a teaser offer that will turn into bait and switch.
The next thing you need to know if you’re asking, “Are all web hosts created equally?” is what the downtime is. Web hosts that say they have no downtime are exaggerating; every web host has to do site maintenance sometimes, but you want to pick a web host that limits it as much as possible and performs it during times of the day when there is the least demand for access.
Another question to ask in terms of “Are all web hosts created equally?” is how good the technical support is and how readily available they are. There’s nothing worse than, say, not being able to get into your e-mail, knowing you have e-commerce orders and not being able to reach anyone who can help you. Unless you’re super skilled at computers, technical support may be the first priority in picking a web host.
There are other issues that will affect your decision to pick a web host, though. Whether you have to pay extra for the domain name, how many domains they can handle, whether they charge extra for data transfer, whether their technical specs (for example, Windows vs. Linux) work for you, and how many e-mail accounts they offer are all things to take into consideration.
There are ten different types of hosting services, all of which may be appropriate depending on your needs. Free web hosting is very limited and is useful for small applications like personal blogs. Shared website hosting services combines your needs with those of a bunch of other individuals or businesses so you share the cost. The other options, which vary in their technical components, include reseller web hosting, virtual dedicated servers, dedicated hosting services, managed hosting services, collocation web hosting services, clustered hosting, grid hosting, and home servers, the do-it-yourself option. The majority of web hosts for small businesses are shared website hosting services, but check with an e-commerce expert to see which model best fits your individual needs.
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