5 Reasons Not To Be Your Own Webhost
With the growing proliferation of high speed internet, cheap hardware, and readily accessible hosting software, more and more people are choosing to host their own web sites. Hosting your own website can definitely be a good way to save money, and gain some experience configuring a server, all while keeping total control over the environment that your site is running in. In spite of the upsides to hosting your own site, in many situations it will not be a web host’s best option. Here are 5 reasons not to be your own web host.
1. Your data is worth more than it would cost you to host the site
There are literally thousands of things that could cause your site’s data to be lost when you are hosting your own site. When your site’s data disappears, you are going to lose money.
When you are considering whether or not to be your own web host consider what you stand to lose if all the data on your server suddenly disappears. Many stand to lose customer data, unfulfilled orders, hours of work spent creating content, and potentially, customers. A good web host will have invested a substantial amount of money on system redundancy and backup processes that ensure the integrity of your site and it’s data.
2. Monitoring and Uptime
Extremely high levels of uptime are extremely expensive, so if you are hosting your own site at some point it will go down. When it does go down how will you know about it? Web hosts have a variety of monitoring tools that inform them the second there is a problem with your site or the server that it is on 24×7. If your site dies and you don’t know about it for days, or even weeks, it can cause you to look unprofessional, your search engine rankings can drop, and you can potentially lose customers.
3. Security
The internet isn’t called the world wide web for nothing. When you open your server up to the internet anyone in the world can attack it. Web hosts have hardware that is dedicated to detecting and preventing these attacks. Web hosts also have servers that are designed from the ground up to be hard to compromise. When you host your own website, you are opening the network that you use to do your taxes and check your bank accounts up to attack from any wannabe hacker with a computer.
4. Getting a static IP isn’t cheap
Many people host their own web sites in order to save money. In order for your site to be accessible to the world, the world needs to be able to find it. Having an IP address that is constantly changing is much like having a phone number that is always changing. If you don’t have a static IP address people will constantly have issues finding you.
The vast majority of ISPs will charge extra if you want a static IP address. The price that they charge is often quite a bit more per month than the amount of money you would pay to just have a web hosting company host the site for you. In cases where you are hosting only one web site this charge often makes it more expensive to host your own site.
5. Support Personnel
The reason that you hire a professional to do anything is because they can do it better and for less money than you can do it on your own. When you pick a seasoned web host they will have run into almost any situation that you can think of at least once. This means that when something goes wrong with your site, and you’re sure that it’s not a code issue, all that your need to do is make on phone call and it’s not your problem anymore. Every minute that you save not having to deal with server or network issues is another minute that you can spend improving your business, and that’s really what your presence on the web is all about.
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