Web Hosting Defined
The term “web” refers to the World Wide Web, which is a compilation of internet resources. This includes audio and video files, as well as hyper linked text and remote sites. Certain browser standards are utilized in order to access the information. In computer lingo the term “hosting” refers to a network’s central computer.
When it comes to the World Wide Web there are many companies that want their information to be available to the public, but do not exactly have the knowledge and/or time to take care of ensuring it is done properly. This is where web hosting comes into play. The term can also appear as “web site hosting” and “web hosting”. Computer server and data center space is provided by the web host company. In other words, the web host provides the space for you to provide you with your own web site.
There are many internet service providers that provide web hosting services. They not only provide the high speed internet connection, but they maintain their clients’ websites and provide other related services when necessary or upon the client’s request. Some of the services that a web host may provide include email box, leasing to their clients hard disk space, hardware and software maintenance, providing backup and security, processing credit cards and content integration. The web host provides the capability for information to effectively go out and come in to your particular web site.
A file transfer protocol is the way that your computer communicates with the host server. It takes a good system of transfer to handle all of your important information. Those individuals or companies that decide to not only market, but also sell their products and service via the World Wide Web would want to be equipped with the ability to interact with their customers.
There is often confusion behind the term “web hosting”. When a company tries to explain what they do, there are some who think they simply build web sites. However, in most cases web designers create the web sites, while the web hosts provide homes for the web sites. There are web hosting companies that have staff on board that can do the entire process. Your web site can be run without you needing to have your computer on all the time. The business of web hosting is simply the way to store, connect and maintain a website’s files.
In summation, web hosting is providing a website housing service to an individual or company. The provider host rents storage or disk space on their server. They may also supply backup and maintenance services. You basically own your own real estate in cyberspace. It is important to know what you want before doing your research and choosing the particular web host that is best for meeting your overall present and future needs. It is a very bad idea to just jump into business with the first web host that you come across. Taking the time to look into what each has to offer and then discerning the one that fits your all around needs.
Dhruv Patel is an affiliate marketer. He is a happy DreamHost customer and recommends DreamHost to any body who wants to host a web site. He has created a site to help DreamHost customers.
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