Free Web Hosting Review
The biggest question when it comes to selecting a web host has always been which one is better between free web hosting and cheap web domain hosting.
The word FREE is always enticing but not to every body. If you are serious about making money with your website, it will be to your advantage to have your site independently hosted in a paid platform. Although free web hosting is quite popular but be mindful of the fact that the company that hosts your site free on the internet will not be accountable to you in any way. There have been cases of frequent downtime and slow connection in some of the free web hosting packages. The worst may be that the site you had labored to build and freely host may just crash and all the data you have in it will disappear without you having any means of retrieving them,.
Apart from the fact that you will not hold the company that offers you free web host liable for any eventuality to your site, it is vital for you to know that search engines do not give priority to such free web hosted sites as they are regarded them as sub domains. The search engines will start their crawling from the root of the main site and normally ‘spiders out’ through the links on the home page. This means that the possibility of having your free hosted site ‘crawled’ by the search engine robots is very minimal. This will be to your site’s utmost internet exposure.
If just having a ‘little’ bit of presence on the internet is your goal, then you may consider a free web host but if your idea is to make money from the internet, it is advisable to get a cheap web host. Cheap web hosts now start from less than $4 per month and this will afford you the independence to do what you desire with you site based on the limits of the host package you chose. This is a departure from the free web host where you do not have any influence on what happens to your site and the amount of space and bandwidth you will use.
If your budget is really low and you desire to have your site now, it is better you consider cheap web host instead of a free web host. With cheap web hosting plan, you have the option of upgrading to greater and more elaborate hosting package anytime you want. For instance, if you discover that the visitors to your cheaply hosted site is increasing, all you will do is just ask your web hosting company to give you more space and bandwidth. The money you will be required to pay for this kind of upgrade is usually small.
The above discussion is very important if you are currently considering free web host. We also forgot to mention that with most cheap web host, you have some nice applications that will help you to design and upload your website stress free. This is important here because some free web host companies are smart enough to use easy web design applications to lure you to their net. It is not too bad if the purpose of your site is for leisure but if it is for serious business, it pays more to register your domain and have your site hosted. This has been made very easy these days in the competitive world of hosting companies. The hosting company that will offer you cheap, quality and response hosting packages is just a click away. Give it a try today and you will notice it will be cheaper for you at the long run.
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