Web Hosting Costs – The Criteria For Choosing A Web Hosting Firm
Low Cost Web Hosting Services are attractive, no question. But what is the real cost when considering a Web Host? There are a number of cheap Web Hosts out there, but does cheap mean you are Pro-Bargain Hunter?
Are you really saving money?
Absolutely not. In my research I have found that the reputable Website Host Cost and the Low Cost Web Hosting Service will be about $5 to $15 per month. If you are a business using the site for information on your companies services and products, or even worse, if you are an Ecommerce business, if will cost you much more than the $5 to $15.
There is not a company on the internet whose survival is dependent on $15 per month. Your company will suffer much more than your apparent savings in actual lost revenues when there are technical issues with your budget site hosting provider.
I am sure you will see a pattern develop here, the not so Low Cost Web Hosting Firms are generally a better place to have your Website Hosted. Here are a few reasons to ignore the lowest price issue while selecting web host:
1. Usability. How user-friendly is their Control Panel? This is just the starting point. The better run and organized Web Hosts have Control Panels that are much simpler to work with. The majority of businesses looking at the cheapest web hosting are companies entering the Internet game, and that means that you should be the last one looking to cut corners as most companies entering the Internet business world cannot afford a cumbersome operational portal to their business and having to re-do things because of an error.
2. Service. This is a major point. Can you imagine uploading your site for the first time and you are having issues with something and you can not get in touch with anyone to assist you? What do you do? The response time when a ticket is sent in will vary with the number of users on the system at one time, but when you need a response to a critical issue can you afford to wait for 2 days for a response? I know I would not be pleased to wait that long.
3. Reliability. You also must look at the uptime of the host. If they do not have at least 99% uptime, move on. You MUST check into this as imagine if you are an Ecommerce site with forms that are not functioning properly. Many merchant accounts will ban your site if it is not reliable. Even worse than this, imagine the Google and Yahoo spiders come crawling and the site is down. Search engines don’t like sending people to unreliable sites.
From this, you can see that paying a little more for a reliable Website Host can actually save you money, and I am not talking in the long run either. Month after month, the reliable Website Host Cost will be lower when the price is not the deciding factor. You put allot of time and money into your business and the Website Host for a virtual merchant is like having a storefront on the busiest street in town vs. a store in the middle of a forest, miles away from civilization. It is your choice, where would you want to do business?
For a Web hosting price also see Web hosting prices, Website hosting cost, Web hosting costs, Web hosting cost, Low cost web hosting service, Web hosting package, Web hosting packages, Website hosting package, Affordable web hosting package, Cheap web hosting package, Web hosting comparison and Web hosting package.
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