Why You Don’t Want A Cheap Web Host
Price, price, price. Numbers do have an effect on people. The difference between five dollars a month, and ten dollars a month can be a game-breaker to those looking for shared web hosting services.
But should it be that way? A resounding no, would be the correct answer. Web hosting services can be critical to many businesses, and going with a sub-par web host can end up costing them thousands in business, despite their reason to go with that cheaper web host was merely to save a few dollars.
Most of the time in web hosting, customer service always trumps price. Many ill-reputed web hosting services have stolen domain names, put false charges on members, or even called collection agencies on users who cancel their accounts. If given the choice between a web host for a few dollars more, and one who might do one of the above mentioned things, for most customers, that choice is a no-brainer. Going with a “cheap” yet notorious web hosting service may lead to hundreds of dollars in extra charges, the theft of domain names, and an extremely difficult cancellation process. Even the largest web host in the world, 1&1 web hosting, has had it’s reputation tarnished by claims that they won’t allow users to cancel and have called collection agencies on them. 1&1 hosting remains one of the cheapest web hosting service. Regardless of the truth of the claims, it is important to research and be aware of the potential costs and losses that may be incurred by using a “cheap” host who does not provide proper customer service.
Indeed, price does not always reflect service. Some atrocious web hosting services charge higher prices, while some genuinely good web hosts charge far less. The key to making web hosting a positive experience for all, is in improving customer service from the web host’s side, while the customer has an equal obligation to search for that web host who does provide that great level of satisfaction for their customers.
Perhaps both sides can be at fault for the bad experience, as web hosting is an industry where online opinions of each company are numerous and easy-to-find. A customer who hands over his small business’ domain to a notorious web host will certainly regret not taking the time to research the company they were trusting their business’ future with.
On the flip side, a web hosting company who offers cheap, yet horrible services will only reap short-term gains. However, many entrepreneurs could be satisfied with such gains, considering legal reprisals against the owners of such companies are usually protected by corporate personhood.
In conculsion, to protect themselves, and ultimately help reward the good web hosting services, small business owners and other web hosting customers have a duty to research and find out which companies truly offer the best deal at the best rate.
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