Top 3 Deadly Traps You Can Avoid When Choosing An Inexpensive Web Hosting Plan
Believe it or not, most newbie webmasters usually get confused and fall into one or all of these 3 deadly traps when they choose their first web hosting plan:
Trap #1: Finding the cheapest web hosting in the world. This is the perhaps the worst mistake you could ever made when choosing a web hosting for your website. While it is true that you can potentially save a lot of money by finding a web hosting service which only cost 1/10 of the market price, in reality it’s hardly worth it.
Web hosting companies which offers web hosting services at ridiculously low price are most likely scam or poor quality web hosting. Think about it, to run a web hosting business, you will need to at least pay for the bills for electricity, bandwidth, hardware and salary. If the monthly fee is only 1 dollar how on earth can the business survive?
What if one of the hard disk went dead? Will they have the money to replace one quickly? Even if they are able to do it, in most cases your web hosting account will most likely be placed together with a few thousands other sites. This is actually very bad because the loading speed of your site will be very sluggish.
Trap #2: Complete trust on the sales page. Don’t trust everything you read on the sales page. If a web hosting plan stated that they will give you 5gb of web space, don’t really take it for real. Every web hosting company always say that they have an uptime of 99.9 percent but how many of them actually fulfill that promise? Don’t take the chance, always read a review or seek a past or current user of that web hosting service before making the final decision.
Trap #3: Treating guarantee as useless. Without guarantee, you will have a hard time asking for a refund if they provide a lousy web hosting service. Always choose an inexpensive web hosting plan that has at least a 30 days money back guarantee. Most major web hosting company do provide a money back guarantee policy and will happily refund your money if you find that their web hosting service didn’t live up to your expectation.
Those are the 3 deadly traps that you want to avoid when choosing an inexpensive web hosting plan. For more information on inexpensive web hosting, you can read the inexpensive web site hosting article.Those are the 3 deadly traps that you want to avoid when choosing an inexpensive web hosting plan. For more information on inexpensive web hosting, you can read the inexpensive web site hosting article.
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