Why Cheap Unix Web Site Hosting Is The Best Choice For Your Web Hosting Needs
A Web host is a place where you can put your website on-line and make it seen on the internet. Web host is just a space on a web server that you are renting every month to do this for you. Web hosting makes use of a web server which is usually a much expensive and much powerful computer unit than what is usually used for personal use. Anyone who would like to start a web hosting business will have to choose the right platform for his server – and it’s choosing between Windows Operating System and Unix Operating System.
Why Web Servers using UNIX Operating System are much cheaper?
Gone are the days when you have to pay $20.00 to $50.00 a month for a shared web site hosting company to host your site. Nowadays, many people are choosing UNIX web servers to host their websites over Windows. The very first reason is because of its affordability. UNIX web site hosting plans come in cheap price packages. This doesn’t mean that because it’s cheap, users are in the danger of compromising the future of their small business or their integrity because of possible frequent server downtimes. They are not. In fact, many of the web site owners have become aware of the reasons why UNIX web site hosting plans are cheaper than the Windows web site hosting plans. The first one costing only a quarter of what is needed to set-up the second one. Why is it possible? This is merely because anyone setting-up a UNIX web server makes use of the free editions of UNIX system which are under GNU Public License. The Operating System used under the GNU Public License also comes with the source code which a qualified individual can modify to fit his needs.
UNIX Web Server Stability and Performance.
When it comes to stability and performance, UNIX web server tends to perform better under high loads than Windows web server – thus, saving web host companies both time and money for the maintenance.
UNIX Web Server Security.
Since UNIX is an Open Source Operating System, anyone who understands the language that it was written can freely modify it. Any problem like in the areas of security, are easily solved through writing a patch code to the existing program. You may also let other users test the written patch for you. Open Source Systems also has a community of developers and users to help you through sharing of ideas and experiences.
Web Host Features.
When it comes to web hosting features, UNIX web hosting packages comes with a lot of extras. Fantastico script package that is bundled in Cpanel hosting comprised of more or less 80 scripts that you can use freely with your website without extra monthly cost. You can also customize each application to match the theme of your site or provide additional features.
When you are looking for cheap hosting, don’t be afraid to try cheap UNIX web site hosting. Getting a cheap UNIX web site hosting does not mean that you are putting your company or career in danger. Think of the advantages of getting a cheap UNIX web site hosting as an opportunity for you to use your extra money in other areas to grow your business.
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