Benefits Of Professional Web Hosting Over Free Web Hosting
New webmasters and internet marketers often choose free web hosting service offered by web hosting giants like Yahoo and Netfirms to cut down a small percentage of their operating cost. They choose free service as it costs nothing and enables you to make a presence over the internet till they start making money online. However, free web hosting might not be the best choice for you.
We shall discuss in this article, benefits of professional or paid web hosting service over free web hosting service.
1. A professional web hosting will not display any type of banner and text ads unlike free web hosting where they display banner and text ads on the pages they offer free.
2. Professional web hosting generally offers enough bandwidth and space to manage your visitors and files unlike free web hosting where bandwidth and web space is restricted which can cause problems if you have big size files and constant traffic of visitors.
3. Unlike free web hosting, professional web hosting provides 24/7 high quality support to their customers
4. A flexible and easy to use control panel is offered by professional web hosting unlike free web hosting where it doesn’t exists most of the times.
5. One or more FTP accounts are provided to upload/download files from any FTP client by a professional web host unlike free web host where you’ll have to upload files using a web based upload manager which is slow and cumbersome.
6. Professional hosting provides full and your own domain name which helps boost search engine ranking unlike free hosting where you get a sub domain like which doesn’t look professional
7. Professional hosting offers access to database (MS Access, MySQL) and scripting (Perl,PHP,VBScript) and flash unlike free web hosting where you will be able to upload only static pages most of the times.
8.Professional web hosting offers support for forums and blogs where your customers can easily find answers to their queries and problems. Free web hosting doesn’t offer any such service.
9. Free web hosting doesn’t allow e-mail accounts to be created with the domain unlike professional hosing where you get thousands of e-mail accounts which you can use from a e-mail client and web mail service offered by the company.We can conclude as free web hosting service good for beginners or personal web pages. Always go for professional web hosting if you plan to earn money from your website and stay long in the business Free web hosting doesn’t allow e-mail accounts to be created with the domain unlike professional hosing where you get thousands of e-mail accounts which you can use from a e-mail client and web mail service offered by the company.We can conclude as free web hosting service good for beginners or personal web pages. Always go for professional web hosting if you plan to earn money from your website and stay long in the business
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