4 Surefire Tips To Choosing A Good Web Host
Choosing a good web host is the most important thing you can do when setting up a website for yourself or your business. Fortunately, when it comes to web hosting, you are in a buyer’s market. There are literally thousands of web hosts online and all of them want your business.
But when it comes to identifying the best deals on web hosting, it can sometimes be difficult to separate the good hosts from the bad. Go ahead a visit a few web hosting companies and you will see what I’m talking about. All of them, with a few exceptions, are offering web hosting plans that are, for lack of a better words, almost the exactly alike. Sure there may be a few minor differences, but most of them have the same features, offer the same control panel, and tout the best support.
So to help you identify the good deals from the bad, here are 4 surefire tips to choosing a good web host…
Don’t Let Price Sway You
While it may be tempting to go with the web hosting company that is only charging $3.95 per month, you have to ask yourself if there is a reason why they are charging so little. Many web hosting companies that are charging customers such a low monthly fee generally require for you to pay 2 or more years in advance. While it may seem like a good deal now, what if their support level changes over the years? What happens if they sell their company to another web host? You have to ask yourself if the deal you are getting is worth the risk.
Examine Their Website
One of the first things you will want to do when evaluating a web host is to examine their website closely. Not just the web hosting plans and features, but the entire website. You’ll want to pay special attention to their terms of service and their acceptable use policies. Also look for the following:
Do they have a 1-800 number for support?
Is support available by phone and chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
Do they have a support forum available?
Do they list their uptime numbers for all of their servers in an accessible location?
Do they own their own data center, lease their servers, or are they a reseller of another host?
Do they list a physical address for their company? And do they offer tours?
These are just some of the things you should look for to help you determine whether or not they are a stable and reliable company.
Give Them A Call
After you have spent some time examining their site, give their sales and support phone numbers a call. Most of what you need to know can be answered by calling the web hosting company you are considering. Talk to the staff and ask them a few questions about their service, how long they have been in business, what their uptime numbers are, and anything else that is important to you as a webmaster. How they handle your questions should tell you how good of a host they are going to be. Some web hosting companies are exceptional when it comes to customer service and go out of their way to help you in any way they can. These are the true gems of the web hosting world and well worth searching for.
Trust Your Gut
If something doesn’t feel right, even if you can’t put your finger on it, then choose another host. Your subconscious can pick up on the most subtle things like a vocal inflection or an un-noticed typo that you may have missed when scanning their site, and while it may mean nothing, it could possibly save you a lot of hassle in the future. However, if you have a good feeling about the company and believe they are offering a good deal, then go for it. In other words, trust your instincts.
While this article hasn’t really dealt with any of the features involved with web hosting plans, I hope it has given you some idea of what to look for in a good host.
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