Our LINUX web servers have the capability to run CGI scripts in your own 'cgi-bin' directory....
CAPTCHA: Telling Humans and Computers Apart AutomaticallyA CAPTCHA is a program that protects websites against bots by generating and grading tests that...
custom php.iniPHP Selector allows customer to edit php.ini settings. Admin has a full control over which...
Do I get a Site Seal when I purchase an SSL Certificate?Yes you do receive a Site Seal when you purchase an SSL Certificate.
Do I use localhost or remotemysqlhost for my mysql connection ?You can view whether your account is using localhost or remotemysql host in your cPanel...
Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHPIf you installed a new script and are getting the 500 error trying to load the page please see...
Fix for Filezilla Failing to Retrieve Directory ListingWindows Server FTP issue Filezilla uses Passive Mode by default. It seems you are having...
How do I activate SSL in osCommerce?In order to configure osCommerce to work with SSL please open the file...
How do I create a redirect for my site?These rules should be added to your .htaccess file located in your public_html folder. This rule...
How do I get different character sets to display in HTML?Many web browsers display Western Character Encoding (ISO-8859-1) by default. This means that...
How do I limit what the search engines can index ?Various search engines such as Google have what are called 'spiders' or 'robots' continually...
How do I perform a trace route?Traceroute (tracert) works by sending a packet to an open UDP port on a destination machine. For...
How do I setup custom php.ini settings?We have recently updated many of our shared hosting servers to php 5 with phpSuExec enabled. This...
How to flush DNS cache in my PC?How to flush DNS cache in Linux / Windows / Mac Flush dns to get a new name resolution. Also...
How to Use PHP 5.3 on Linux HostingThe release of PHP 5.3.x is a major improvement in the 5.x series which includes a large number...
HTTP Error 500 - Internal server errorInternal Server Error help, 500 error Internal server errors can be caused by a few different...
I ordered an SSL or static IP and now my site is down.When you order a SSL we assign a static IP to your account. A static IP is required for...
Is PHP compiled with 'enable-calendar'?Web Calendar is available to install under 'Other Services' in the 'Fantastico' feature under the...
What is high CPU usage and how can I reduce my usage?What exactly is CPU Usage and What does it mean to your hosting account? CPU time (or CPU...
What is php.ini ?The php.ini file is a special file for phpSuExec (pronounced php-soo-ec-sec). The...
What is phpSuExec?phpSuExec (pronounced sue-eksek) is a more secure environment for PHP. All of our shared servers...
What is the meaning of owner, group, and everyone in the permissions panel?- Owner defines the permissions set for your main FTP account. - Group defines permissions valid...
What is the path to public html in php?The path to public html is: home/$cpusername/public_html/