Generate CSR
Step 1: Generate a Private Key
- Login to cPanel.
- Click SSL/TLS Manager > Private Keys (KEY).
- Scroll down near the bottom of the page to the Generate a New Key section.
- Select the desired domain name from the pull-down menu, or type it into the Host field (e.g.,
- Select the key bit-length. We recommend 2048 (2048 is required for EV certificates).
- Click the Generate button to generate the new key.
- A new private key is generated and is stored on the server.
Step 2: Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
- Click SSL/TLS Manager > Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- Using the CSR Legend on the right-hand side of this page, fill out the Generate a New Certificate Signing Request form.
- Click the Generate button to generate the new CSR.
- cPanel shows you the CSR in the top box under SSL Certificate Signing Request (don't worry about the contents of the box below it, you don't need it).
- Copy everything in the top box.
- Save a copy of your CSR. The CSR will be needed during the online order process. You'll be asked to copy-and-paste your CSR into a special CSR box.
Below is an example of what your CSR will look like. This is a example only and cannot be used to generate your SSL certificate.
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIB3zCCAUgCAQAwgZ4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRAwDgYDVQQIEwdHZW9yZ2lhMRAw DgYDVQQHEwdBdGxhbnRhMREwDwYDVQQKEwhHZW9DZXJ0czEaMBgGA1UECxMRSW5l cm5ldCBNYXJrZXRpbmcxGTAXBgNVBAMTEHd3dy5nZW9jZXJ0cy5jb20xITAfBgkq hkiG9w0BCQEWEmFkbWluQGdlb2NlcnRzLmNvbTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOB jQAwgYkCgYEA5KOi+RnRzBuBQeFYjrwZg1sfT7zr4L8j0Khuoj621x+lGBmFC76c kGclUIQBmuyp9T9NrNqAjGtEmgdFr6cWLJtgXgi+BaZDLX9BMYF49NuTggNoEUMX crQRAENHb2YthG2SEcF5p98RNcDPzWOA3a4AMvgkxDlDGYUhbcQhnt0CAwEAAaAA MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAIapt6Tw0BTYUwEAX0/oKvaaN/ghErR85jdW7xOD b1hL0yNfb495A7e/IQyBEP5a/v+QUOtibHS4geiPhH9etAI+DSQmctjbf6dMGJql gCXGwlsTbjPOSmNT+/X2Uvf1BlplwqAMDghEuFHsjshlypz1NEg94ri2K9N1VrBs