custom php.ini

PHP Selector allows customer to edit php.ini settings. Admin has a full control over which settings can be modified.

Here are some of the examples of allowed directives:


Directive = safe_mode
Default   = Off
Type      = bool
Remark    = <5.4.0
Comment   = Enables PHP safe mode. This mode puts a number of restrictions on scripts (say, access to file system) mainly for security reasons.


Directive = safe_mode_include_dir
Type      = value
Remark    = <5.4.0
Comment   = If PHP is in the safe mode and a script tries to access some files, files from this directory will bypass security (UID/GID) checks. Th
e directory must also be in include_path. For example: /dir/inc



php.ini setting


Default value


bool, value (any text), list


list of values for list Type


explanation of the setting to display in UI


Users can use web interface to modify php.ini settings


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