How to change the root Password using SSH

Changing your Root Password Using SSH

This article will show you how to change the root password for your Root Server using SSH

For security reasons we recommend you change the master password during your first SSH session.

To change your password, enter the command


root in the prompt which displays, for example root@yourserver. In the three prompt lines which follow, insert the information Linux® asks for, i. e.:

Enter existing login password:

Asks you to enter your current root password;
New password:

Asks you to enter your new password, and
Re-enter new password:

Asks you to re-enter your new password.

Once you have done this, you will have changed your master password for your server successfully. Please make a note of the changed access data and make sure to keep it safe from unauthorized access.

Please Note:
Make sure you remember the new password you have chosen. In the event of losing your password, accessing your server — even by our technicians — will be absolutely impossible.

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