Part 3 – Setting up a Website

Part 3 – Setting up a Website

You have probably noticed that Kloxo has a lot of icons to click on. We will not cover every option available but feel free to click around once you have the basics under your belt. We will start by setting up your domain to resolve to your VPS and touch on the necessary options to fully configure a domain.

NOTE: Before you start setting up your domain in Kloxo we highly recommend you configure your DNS to point to your VPS. If you need to keep your domain pointed elsewhere until your data is moved keep in mind that certain features like e-mail and webmail will not work properly until your DNS is updated. To setup your DNS (zone files) please skip ahead to the "DNS with Kloxo" section then come back to this point when you are done.

Adding your Domain (creating the website)

To add your domain to your VPS make sure you are on the Home screen. You can assure this by clicking on the "Home" icon in the top left of the screen.

On the Home screen you will see a "Resources" box, click on the "Add Domain" icon to get started.

NOTE: If you have not yet setup DNS you will see a pink notification box asking you to setup a DNS template. Skip down to the "DNS with Kloxo" section for instructions on creating one. You must do this before it will allow you to create domains, even if you aren’t going to use Kloxo's DNS options.

After clicking on "Add Domain" you will be taken to the following screen:

Enter your domain name WITHOUT the 'www' in the first text box. In the second box you can name the directory for your site. Using the domain name is generally a good idea to help keep your sites organized, especially if you are planning on having more than one site. Below the text boxes are various options you can enable or disable for the domain. Generally you can leave the default options selected. Once you have entered your domain name, folder name and selected/deselected options click the "Add" button in the bottom right corner of the box. You will ee the domain you created below once you click the add button. This is the same screen you can reach by clicking the "Domains" tab at the top of the main window. We will cover the "Domains" tab in more detail after the following FTP section.

Uploading your Site Data (FTP, SFTP, File Manager)

By default you can always login to manage all of your domains with the "admin" FTP account. This account exists by default and does not need to be created. When you login using the "admin" FTP user you will be dropped into the /home/admin directory of your VPS. This directory contains the folders for all of your domains.

To connect using FTP you can use your favorite FTP client - we recommend FileZilla - and your Kloxo "admin" login information; the same username/password you use to login to Kloxo. If you are not familiar with FTP please see our Knowledge Base article at the following URL:

To create an FTP user that is only allowed access to a specific folder first click the "Home" tab to get back to the main screen. The under the "Domain" heading click the FTP users icon.

You will see that a default user has been created for each domain you have added. If you would like to add a new user, click the "Add FTP User" tab at the top of the window.

You can create a username only account by leaving the dropdown menu next to user set to ---direct--- or you can create an FTP user for your specific domain by entering the username and then selecting your domain from the drop-down menu. The username would then be in the "user@domain" format. This is useful if you are hosting more than one domain. You can then enter the password and the starting directory for the user. The user will not be able to view folders below the starting directory you set. This way you can limit users to specific folders and domains. You can also set the upload limit in MB (megabytes) that a user can upload to a directory. Once you have selected the required options click the "Add" button at the bottom of the box.

If you would like to use SFTP – the Secure File Transfer Protocol – it is possible. SFTP is preferred because it provides a secure connection from your computer to the VPS server. The main limitation is the ease of setup and the users that can connect using this method. Only users with shell access can connect using FTP and by default only the root user has shell access. You can easily change this for the admin user by doing the following:

Click the "Home" tab at the top of the screen then click the "Shell Access" icon in the Resources box.

It will take you to the screen below:

You can then select the shell type from the dropdown box. /bin/bash is "normal" shell and /usr/bin/jailshell is a more restricted type. Once you select the shell type click the "Update" button. You can then connect to your VPS using the SFTP protocol. For detailed instructions on using SFTP to connect see the following Knowledge Base article:

NOTE: You will not be able to connect with SFTP using normal FTP users. Only accounts with shell access - usually limited to your "admin" user - can connect using SFTP.

Using either FTP or SFTP you can upload your files to your website. You will need to place your files in the folder you created when setting up your domain. Usually /home/admin/

Using the File Manager for File Uploads

If you would rather upload your files through the Kloxo interface you can do so using the File Manager.

From the Home screen locate the File Manager icon under the "Domain" heading and click on it.

You will be taken to the File Manager which defaults to the /home/admin directory. You should see folders that match the names of those you created when you added a domain. You can see an example below:

Continue to Part 4 – The Domains Tab

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