Installing Kloxo Web Server

Kloxo installation consists of downloading from and execute it as root. They will download all the required files and install them for you. In case you are presented with a question/menu from yum/up2date, you may press <Enter> .

If you don't have MySQL server already installed, you must run:

# su - root
# yum install -y wget
# wget
# sh ./ --type=<master/slave>

If you already have MySQL installed and set a root password, you must run:

# su - root
# yum install -y wget
# wget
# sh ./ --type=<master/slave> --db-rootpassword=PASSWORD

Once kloxo is installed, you can connect to http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:7778 and you will be presented with a login screen. Login as admin with password admin and once you are in, Kloxo will explicitly force you to change the password to a secure one.

Note: If you cannot connect to the Kloxo Control Panel:
Please check: if Kloxo is running. If you are sure that Kloxo is running, the following might be the case:
- You or your provider have installed a firewall on your system (Please check your respective firewall and open the port 7777/7778 in the firewall.)
- Example: If you run the command "iptables --list" and the server has not reported that iptables doesn't exist, please try "/etc/init.d/iptables stop" and try to connect to Kloxo. If the connection is succesfull, then open port 7777/7778 in iptables.

Packages installed initially1:


Web Services Function
apache (2.x) The Apache HTTP Server is a powerful, efficient, and extensible web server.
php (5.2.x) PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language.
pure-ftpd Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, secure and standard-comformant FTP server especially designed for modern Linux and FreeBSD kernels.
awstats Web Statistics


Mail Services Function
qmail-toaster qmail is a small, fast, secure replacement for the sendmail package, which is the program that actually receives, routes, and delivers electronic mail.
courier-imap-toaster Courier-IMAP is an IMAP server for Maildir mailboxes.
vpopmail vpopmail is a collection of programs and a library to automate the creation and maintence of virtual domain email for qmail installations.
Roundcube Webmail (Ajax)
Horde Webmail


DNS Services Function
bind BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the DNS (Domain Name System) protocols.
bind-chroot Secures BIND server


Database Service Function
mysql-server MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server.

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