Dear sir

Like all web hosting companies, we are faced with the challenge of balancing stability with the need to update and upgrade hardware to keep up with ever changing technology. The hosting server your account currently resides on has been marked for decommissioning. This means that will we have to move your hosting account to a newer faster server that has more up to date hardware and software. While this will give you the benefits of newer technologies and more processing power, RAM, and disk space, you may encounter some problems with the migration if you do not prepare.


Under Migration Server Name

Main Server ip under migration :-

Starting Window:
  Starting in next 24-48 hours

End Window: 24 hours or more
Websites downtime: No

Email downtime: No

You are requested not to make any changes/modifications/account creation during this period. We wont be responsible if you make any changes during this period and it doesn't apply to new server.  If there is any emergency of account creation, please submit a ticket to our support team, we'll do it for you on new server.

Kind for your information there will be no downtime during this migration, we'll let you know the next step once the migration is finished. Your kind cooperation & patience will be highly appreciated.

If you have any question in this regard ..please reply to this mail or Create ticket to migration team ...

You will receive email soon about this ...

Team 365ezone

Monday, July 15, 2013

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